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>12 yrs.
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Check-in for your flight online from 48h up until 2h prior to the departure. Web check-in is currently available for flights departing from Podgorica and Tivat only.
For more details on travel conditions for your desired destination click here.

Claims form


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Please tell us which flight your request refers to:

Bank account (for the settlement)

Please provide your bank details in case your complaint leads to a refund, and attach the relevant receipts or invoices. We are committed to keeping bank details safe

Potvrđujem da su gore navedeni bankovni podaci tačni i verodostojni. Prihvatam da Air Montenegro umanji naknadu stete za iznos koji je banka zadržala prilikom transfera zbog pogrešnih bankovnih instrukcija sa moje strane.

You need to accept terms and conditions to continue
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Supported file formats: .jpeg, .gif, .png and .pdf
Maximum filesize per document is 2mb
Additional claim description

I hereby give my APPROVAL that Company can state my personal data, collect, use and process them in accordance with Law on personal data protection, as administrator, user and processor.

I also declare that I voluntarily give my personal data to the Company, that I am familiar with the purpose of data collection, the way that Company will use this data and with possibility to repeal my approval, in which case I accept to bear legal consequences.

I confirm that the above details are accurate and not misleading and I acknowledge that Air Montenegro:

  • May ask for further verification or documentation to substantiate my claim;
  • Reserves its rights against me if I attempt to make a fraudulent claim.

This document is valid without signature of complaining party. Person that is submitting this appeal is confirming that it is authorized and relevant for submission.