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Baggage Travel Preparations
Your baggage can contain articles necessary for personal use, personal and other things necessary for wear, use or personal comfort during the trip.
It is strongly recommended that:
- Your name and address should be written on both the outside and the inside of your baggage;
- The temporary address at your destination should also be written on the baggage label (eg. name and address of the hotel you are staying at)
- Your baggage should be locked, or wrapped with a strong strap so as to keep it from opening and your things being lost;
- Valuable and fragile items, important documents and money should be kept only in your hand baggage;
- All baggage tags from your previous trips should be removed.
- Cameras and camcorders can be carried and used on Air Montenegro’ flights, but those of you who continue your travel with another airline should bear in mind that there are countries where the use of cameras, camcorders and binoculars in aircraft and airports is strictly forbidden.
Hand Luggage
You can take only one piece of carry-on baggage into cabin with you on Air Montenegro flights.The maximum weight of the item is 8kg, and its total dimensions (including wheels, handles and side pockets) must not exceed 115 cm (eg. 55x40x20 cm).
All airports have moulds aimed at passengers to check their hand baggage dimensions. These are simple metal frames in which hand baggage is placed. Such moulds are mostly placed near the check-in counters so as for you to simply repack the extra items into the bags you are checking in. If it fits, that means it meets standard dimensions, otherwise, you have to do re-packing.
Apart from one piece of hand baggage, there are other items that you are allowed to take onboard an aircraft, such as a coat/jacket, umbrella, crutches, camera, binoculars, a reasonable amount of reading material. The hand baggage of passengers travelling with a baby can contain baby food in liquid or pulpy form and milk in the amount necessary for use during the trip. A passenger using medicines in liquid form can take these in hand baggage only if holding a medical clearance issued by a competent medical institution or an authorized medical office. The same applies to the transportation of liquids that are used for medical purposes, such as blood products, insulin, etc.
Note*: Their authenticity may be checked.NOTES
Other items that can be taken onboard:
- manicure set if contains no blades and files;
- lap-tops, PDA's, mobile phones etc;
- lighter - one per passenger, safety matches.
You are advised to carry valuable items - such as money and jewelry, important business documents, keys and personal things of special importance to you - in your hand baggage, in no case in the registered one.
There are items which, if found in your carry-on luggage, will be permanently confiscated at the security check.
Items accepted for carriage only in hand luggage with the consent of the carrier:
- Medical oxygen: gas oxygen ( bottles up to 2 liters) or air cylinder for medical use with a compulsory certificate issued by Aviation Authority that the bottle is safe/ secure for flight.
- Mercury barometer or thermometer carried by representative of Meteorological or similar agency - must be packed in a hard package or waterproof bag to prevent the spillage of mercury from the packaging;
- Heat source items: battery devices, underwater batteries, soldering irons which, when mistakenly activated, can produce high temperatures. With such devices, the batteries must be removed (detached from the device) in order to avoid unintended power.
Notice for passengers who are travelling through Nikola Tesla Airport - Belgrade
We are informing you that starting from 05/01/2018, for safety reasons, the transfer of liquids in the hand luggage of a volume exceeding 100 ml will not be permitted, including also liquids purchased at another airport and packed in STEB bags. The rule applies for all passengers travelling from another airport or making transfer at Nikola Tesla Airport.
Detailed information can be found on https://beg.aero/eng/practical_guide/baggage.
Notice for passengers travelling to the Russian Federation
Dear passengers,
Federal Air Transport Agency of The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has adopted the decision on additional security measures at all airports in Russia. Please read this decision.The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Federal Air Transport Agency
(Rosaviatsiya)Due to Russia's Federal Air Transportation Agency (Rosaviatsiya) instruction Moscow Domodedovo airport has taken additional measures to ensure aviation security: all liquids, gels and sprays including personal-care products carried or in carry-on baggage are advised to be checked in.
Medicines which provide life support of a passenger may be left in carry-on baggage after their identification by the airport Aviation Security Service using necessary facilities and equipments.
Passengers are requested to take the measures directed toward live and health protection and to put specified substances in checked-in baggage to accelerate preflight procedures.
In case of possibility of increasing time please arrive at the airport in advance.
Air Montenegro kindly asks its passengers to pay attention to the regulated travel conditions in order to avoid any possible inconvenience.
Free Baggage Allowance
If you purchase a ticket you have a certain free baggage allowance depending on the date of ticket issue, class of service and your routing.
Air Montenegro on its flights uses the piece concept for free baggage allowance as well as a basis for calculation of excess baggage. While packing your bags make sure that neither of them has weight over 1x23kg (1 bag) if you are travelling in economy class and 2x32kg (2 bags) if you are travelling in business class.
The following free baggage allowance is applicable to our scheduled flights.
CHILD - CHD2 PC 1 PC Max weight 32 kg/ each Max weight 23 kg/ each Max dimensions 158 cm/ each Max dimensions 158 cm/ each For CHILDREN up to 5 years old, 1 fully collapsible stroller is included INFANT- INF 1 PC
Max weight 10 kg/ piece
Max dimensions 158 cm/ piece
+ 1 foldable baby stroller (single or multi-piece) or 1 basket* Max dimensions = length + width + height -
Extra baggage, overweight, or bulky baggage
Extra baggage
Air Montenegro passengers have the possibility to check in additional (standard) piece of baggage by paying for this service at the time of ticket purchase, or after the ticket purchase, online.
If not purchased online, it can be done so at the airport, in case the total number of (standard) pieces of baggage exceeds the quota, as per purchased fare.
Fares for this service differ, depending on the destination, as well as the point of payment and can be found in the table below.
(additional piece)ONLINE AIRPORT ONLINE AIRPORT ONLINE AIRPORT 45 60 60 75 70 85 Up to and including March 29, 2025, the charge for this service, when paid online, is 45.50 flat, for all destinations, for a standard piece of baggage. If paid for at the airport the charge is EUR 60, per direction, for all destinations.
Overweight, or bulky baggage
Air Montenegro passengers will be charged an additional service fee at the airport in case:
the number of checked baggage corresponds to the permitted number of items, but exceeds the permitted weight and/or dimensions*** as per charges shown in the table below.
The carriage of baggage exeeding the permitted weight and/or dimensions is possible only on flights where Air Montenegro is the operating carrier* and cannot be accepetd on code-share** flights, operated by another airline.
TYPE OF SERVICE PRICE IN EUR, ONE WAY GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 BEG, LJU PRG, BRQ, FCO, BTS, ZRH, IST, ADB CDG, FRA, GYD, LYS, NTE Overweight baggage*** 30 40 50 Bulky (oversized) baggage*** 30 40 50 Overweight and Bulky (oversized) baggage*** 45 60 75 Up to and including March 29, 2025, the charge for baggage exceeding permissible weight and / or size *** is € 30,00, per direction, for all destinations operated* by Air Montenegro.
* Operating carrier - a flight operated independently by Air Montenegro.
** Code-share flight/Air Montenegro marketing carrier - flight performed by some other company, Air Montenegro is a charterer of a certain number of seats on that flight.
*** Maximum permitted baggage weight is 32 kgs. Maximum permited oversize is 208 cm (total of 3 dimension).Baggage weighing more than 32 kg will not be accepted as travel baggage.
Dangerous goods and prohibited articles
Dangerous goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment.
Special regulations are applicable for the transport of these goods.
Do not carry the following dangerous articles in your baggage or on your person:
- Alcoholic beverages exceeding 70% alcohol by volume
- Explosives, e.g. fireworks, ammunition with explosive or incendiary projectiles
- Elektro shock weapons
- Infectious substances, e.g. diagnostic specimens
- Corrosive material, e.g. Mercury
- Magnetized material
- Liquid oxygen devices
- disabling devices, e.g. mace, pepper sprays or similar containing irritant or incapacitating substances.
- Oxidizing material, e.g. stain, bleaches
- Organic peroxides, e.g. hardener for fiberglass
- Toxic substances, e.g. pesticides, insecticides
- Radioactive material
- "Strike anywhere" matches
- Blue flame or "Cigar" lighters, lighter fuel or lighter refills
- Flammable or spontaneously combustible liquids or solids, e.g. fuel white gas, paint, solvents, alcohol exceeding 80% by volume, charcoal lighter.
The following dangerous goods may be carried under special transport conditions:
- Aerosols
- Alcoholic beverages
- Security-type equipment such as attaché cases or cash boxes/bags etc.
- incorporating dangerous goods, such as lithium batteries and/or pyrotechnic material
- Consumer electronic devices with fuel cell systems or lithium/lithium ion cells or batteries
- Energy efficient light bulbs
- Battery powered wheelchairs/mobility devices
- Dry Shipper (Insulated packaging containing refrigerated liquid nitrogen)
- Oxygen or air cylinders for medical use
- Diving lamps
- Lithium ion batteries
- Oxygen or air cylinders for medical use
- Medical oxygen
- Ammunition
- Camping stoves and fuel containers
- Heat producing articles
- Portable medical electronic devices
- Life jacket
- Avalanche rescue backpack
- Matches
- Cardiac pacemaker
- Dry Ice
- Cigarette lighters
- Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas
- Mercury thermometer or barometer
For details concerning the transport conditions click here
Pursuant to Article 145 paragraph 1 of the Law on air Traffic Aviation (Official Gazette of Montenegro, number 30/12), Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro has determined athe list of articles that cannot be transported in hand luggage and checked baggage. Please take a look at documents below.
Electronic devices
Personal electronic devices placed in checked baggage have to be completely switched off and effectively protected from accidental activation. To ensure the device is never powered on during its transport, any applications, alarms or pre-set configurations that may activate the device have to be disabled or deactivated.
Personal electronic devices placed in checked baggage have to be protected from damage by applying suitable packaging or casing or by being placed in a rigid bag protected by adequate cushioning (e.g. clothing).
The Hoverboard device and Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones are required to be in hand luggage.
Safety of passengers and crew is the top priority of Air Montenegro.
EASA - Safety Information Bulletin
Sporting Equipment
Air Montenegro charges special price for carriage of sporting equipment as excess baggage. Sporting equipment is divided into three categories: small, medium and large. Each category is defined by the maximum weight, maximum total dimensions, as well as the maximum single dimension, being it the lenght, width, or hight, whatever the largest. Each passenger is alowed to check in only one (1) set of sporting equipment in addition to the free baggage allowance.
If they plan to take sports equipment with them, passengers are obliged to inform our staff by sending an inquiry to the email: [email protected] for:
- Large sports equipment (kite, kayak, etc.) at least 7 days before the planned flight;
- Medium and smaller sports equipment must be registered 48 hours before the trip (skis, fishing poles, bicycle, etc).
The service will be charged at rates shown in the below tables, per direction, as per category.
Any equipment missing from the table shall be charged according to the weight and / or size of the corresponding category.
The Transport of medium and large size sporting equipment is possible only on flights where Air Montenegro is the operating carrier* and are not accepeted on code-share** flights, operated by another airline.
* Operating carrier - a flight operated independently by Air Montenegro.
** Code-share flight/Air Montenegro marketing carrier - flight performed by another airline, Air Montenegro is a charterer of a certain number of seats on that flight.SMALL (up to 15 kg and 140 cm)
TYPE OF EQUIPMENT CHARGE MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS weight total 3 dimensions maximum single dimension Water-skis*, skateboard, golf equipment, fishing equipment, sporting and hunting firearms It enters the amount of free luggage.* 15 kg 270 cm 140 cm * Any excess weight/ dimensions is charged at the excess weight / size rate for Air Montenegro flights. or special fare (given below in the table), whichever is more convenient for the passenger.
EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE PRICE IN EUR, ONE WAY GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 BEG, LJU PRG, BRQ, FCO, BTS, ZRH, IST, ADB CDG, FRA, GYD, LYS, NTE Water-skis*, skateboard, golf equipment, fishing equipment, sporting and hunting firearms SMALL 35 50 60 Up to and including March 29, 2025, the charge for small sporting equipment exceeding the free baggage allowance EUR 30,00, per direction, for all destinations operated* by Air Montenegro.
MEDIUM (16-23 kg and/or 141-200 cm)
TYPE OF EQUIPMENT CHARGE MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS weight total 3 dimensions maximum single dimension Skis* / Snowboard, Bicycle, Surf-boards**, Paragliding, Mountaineering Charges as per table apply 16-23 kg 310 cm 200 cm EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE PRICE IN EUR, ONE WAY GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 BEG, LJU PRG, BRQ, FCO, BTS, ZRH, IST, ADB CDG, FRA, GYD, LYS, NTE Skis* / Snowboard, Bicycle, Surf-boards**, Paragliding, Mountaineering MEDIUM 65 75 85 Up to and including March 29, 2025, the charge for small sporting equipment exceeding the free baggage allowance EUR 50,00, per direction, for all destinations operated* by Air Montenegro.
LARGE (24-32 kg and/or 201-270 cm)
TYPE OF EQUIPMENT CHARGE MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS weight total 3 dimensions maximum single dimension Windsurfing, Scuba diving equipment, Canoes, Kayaks***, Javelins Charges as per table apply 24-32 kg 355 cm 270 cm EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE PRICE IN EUR, ONE WAY GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 BEG, LJU PRG, BRQ, FCO, BTS, ZRH, IST, ADB CDG, FRA, GYD, LYS, NTE Windsurfing, Scuba diving equipment, Canoes, Kayaks***, Javelins LARGE 85 95 100 Up to and including March 29, 2025, the charge for small sporting equipment exceeding the free baggage allowance EUR 85,00, per direction, for all destinations operated* by Air Montenegro.
* Skis in excess of 140 cm will be treated as medium (141-200 cm).
** Surfboards exceeding 200 cm will be handled as windsurfers.
*** Kayaks made of glass shall not be accepted for carriage!SPORTING EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION
TYPE DESCRIPTION/QUOTA Standard and water-skis - A pair of standard skis with a pair of sticks and boots
- One ski-board with a pair of boots
- One pair of standard or water-skis
Golf equipment - One golf bag with a pair of golf shoes.
Fishing equipment - Maximum two sticks and 1 reel, 1 tackle box or haversack, 1 fish net and a pair of angling boots.
Skateboard - Max. 1 skateboard per passenger.
Bicycles - The bicycle has to be suitably packed, pedals and handlebars must be removed and fixed sideways, as well as tires deflated. It must be packed in its bag made of hard plastic, or wrapped in a preserving material (nylon etc.). It should be booked as special baggage at the time of booking. Air Montenegro cannot provide a bicycle box.
Diving equipment - Diving suit,
- 1 empty tank bottle*,
- 1 regulator,
- 1 tank frame,
- 1 manometer,
- 1 mask,
- a pair of fins,
- snorkel,
- 1 knife,
- 1 underwater gun,
- 1 life-belt
Surfing board - One surfing board
Windsurfing equipment - 1 board,
- 1 mast,
- 1 boom,
- sail
Canoes, kayaks - Kayak/ canoe,
- a pair of paddles attached to the kayak/ canoe or packed in a box
Baggage irregularities
In the event of any kind of baggage irregularity (lost, damaged or delayed baggage), you must report the irregularity IMMEDIATELY upon landing to the local "Lost and Found" department present on each airport, usually near the baggage carousel.
Please keep all your travel documents also after the flight terminates (airline ticket, your copy of the baggage tag, boarding card). If you later wish to file a claim for damages, you can submit it in one of the following ways:
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Phone: +382 20 690 363
Please provide the following documents for the processing of your claim:
- P.R. (Damaged Property Report)
- Electronic ticket
- Boarding card
- Baggage tag
- Purchase receipt of the suitcase
- Photographs of the damaged baggage
- Payment instructions (in the name of the person filing out the D.P.R.)
- I.R. (Property Irregularity Report)
- Electronic ticket
- Boarding card
- Baggage tag
- List of items contained in the suitcase with the reported values
- Receipt for the necessary purchase of items (maximum 75 € for economy class and 110 € for business class)
- Fuel or taxi receipt when collecting the baggage
- Payment instructions (in the name of the person filing out the P.I.R.)
- P.R. (Damaged Property Report)
- Police report about the missing items
- Electronic ticket
- Boarding card
- Baggage tag
- Receipts for the missing items
- Payment instructions (in the name of the person filing out the D.P.R.)
Incomplete documentation shall not be considered.
Complaints for damaged baggage shall not be taken into consideration if the passenger did not make the complaint to the carrier immediately after the damage was discovered, or at the latest within 7 days from the date of collecting the baggage. In case of delayed or lost baggage, claims must be filed within 21 days after the date when the delayed baggage was collected or was due to be delivered. Complaints must be made in writing and filed within the above time limits.