Public competition for selection of the Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the authorizations given by the Government of Montenegro as the Founder, and based on the Decision of the Board of Directors no. 780, the Limited Liability Company for Transport of Passengers and Goods by Air "ToMontenegro", TIN: 03344312, address: Bulevar Džordža Vašingtona 98, TCP/4, 81000 Podgorica, phone: 020/390-360, e-mail: [email protected], hereby announces:
for the selection and appointment of the Chief Executive Officer for a term of office in duration of 4 (four) years
Job title:
Chief Executive Officer of the Limited Liability Company for Transport of Passengers and Goods by Air "ToMontenegro"
In addition to the general requirements provided by the Law on Labour ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 74/19, 08/21, 59/21, 68/21 and 145/21), the candidate must meet the following special requirements:
- at least VII 1 level of education qualifications,
- at least five years of work experience in the level of required education qualification in managerial positions, of which at least three in the field of executive management in companies (chief executive officer or one managerial level below the chief executive officer) or in the position of a head of an administration body or senior management staff in public administration,
- active knowledge of English.
Hiring period:
Employment for a definite period of time until the expiration of the term of office in duration of 4 (four) years from the date of appointment by the Government of Montenegro as the Founder of the Company.
Preference is given to candidates with experience in the field of air transport or economics.
Citizens of other countries also have the right to apply for the competition in accordance with the Law.
Along with the application for the competition, the candidate for Chief Executive Officer should submit the following evidence:
- diploma of education or a photocopy thereof certified by the competent authority,
- proof of work experience (certificate or some other proof)
- photocopy of an ID card or passport,
- certificate from the competent court that no criminal proceedings are conducted against the candidate,
- short presentation of the vision of the company's further development strategy.
The application should contain the following information: name and surname, address, CV, contact telephone and e-mail address.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Candidates are required to submit complete documentation and proofs in the original or a certified copy to the address: Bulevar Džordža Vašingtona 98, The Capital Plaza, Diplomatska kula, sprat 4, 81000 Podgorica, with the indication: "Application for a Public Competition for the selection of the Chief Executive Officer".
The deadline for submitting applications is 15 days from the day of announcing the public competition.
"ToMontenegro" DOO